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ISP or internet service provider our buddy at the giant building the gives as the power of inter net well i think you guys know what its is alright ! lets get to the real deal how much they know about out your internet life?

 Well they have the capability to know everything if they really really need to .

Just think how much of your personal data flow through your isp from your simple google search to those dark secret which you dont wanna think about.

Well that's a lot of data . Lets start with encrypted site's. simple enough those site's with pretty green lock on the left top corner URL. when you are using this sites like facebook,youtube,blogger.They only the domain you went to not the exact thing you did or any of your privet data .but they know where were you its like telling your mom that your went to the liqueur shop to see the liqueur ..

Time for non encrypted sites .when you do use this your isp can access and see the specific things you assessed and the exact things there like one of your creepy text message that you send to a chat bot you meat on a dating site . i am just saying      .. the ISP don't have to be the NSA to know all these .

Lets talk about more on you and the encrypted sites v/s isp . the isp can keep track of individual packets of data you send and received and the pattern and timing so they can generate a pretty good idea about your net life ..

Okey mr but why cant they ignore all this and leave as alone . they can sell this to advertiser ( familiar with those product pop up which you happened  to check out last night ) . or they can use this data to help your lif on the internet much easier by bringing up that thing you looking for by providing little detail on the search bar ...

There are some why to get rid of isp from your tail by using VPN which you can learn from clicking the VPN ..



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