If you are not new here then you probably familiar with the keyword of this blog Tor. If you are not you might wanna check out my All the way to deep net from surface web !!.
Go read it i promise you that is going to be a fun back to our topic the legendary TOR.Lets say TOR is just like our web browser's like chrome,edge,opera,epic,so on .but its may look like a regular browser and also its have some super power like our asgardian thor (see what i mean ?).and now what are those super power our tor have ?
It have the power to enable a anonymous communication for you.and tor holds one of those key to enter deep web or dark net.
Next question how do they do that?
This works by encrypting data when it's send and the bouncing this throw a large number of nodes until it arrives its final destination each node only decrypt enough of the message to know where to go next there for the only the receiving user know the actual thing this fantastic peeling back the encryption layer must be inspired by the onion's name and the probably why its call the ONION ROUTER.
Because of its this super power tor earned a place in cyber field mainly for stuffs like trafficking drugs/weapons ,crime for hiring,bot net.....
The fun fact the tor wasn't invented by some group of online tech dudes to make their business boom.tor is actually created by US navy to protect the sensitive military communication(thanks guys you helped a lot of people to use a anonymous communication ).
Please do misunderstand that people that uses tor is a drug dealer or a cyber king pin !!! there some noble user who use tor and other dark net as well.
If you are a potential vessel blower you don't have to rely on tor all the time there are other things(not exactly browser ) that act like TOR let me list them for you
- I2p
- Tails(os)
- Freenet
- Freepot(os)
- Psiphon
- Orbot
- Freegate
- GNUnet
spoiler alert TOR is going to be like a killing slow snile when it compare to other browser's
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