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What have you done Apple ? ( endless type )

Before you read I should probably mention that this one is just a fun factor nothing that I planed to post here . The things is I wanna talk about here is why apple kicked out their ports out of the products and ended up with typing triangle. I will post about my original post soon but I believe this worth sharing nothing down there was planed I just typed and typed on you might feel it a bit funny but it is perfectly fine   I already told you this is just for a fun fact so enjoy.....and one more thing let me know if this ever happens to you  wish you all a happy minutes

Are you a fan of apple ? Why ? are you even paying attention to the world of teach let me know in the comments if you are .
Truly I Was so so sad when they kick out head phone jack out of there new I phone 7 and 7 plus truly I was even though I don't own a I phone .
And it don't stop there it continues to their new mac book pro 3 usb c type but nothing else . But still  we have  keep in note that the new touch bar and huge track pad okey let go back to their port issus then .
Why did they do that Apple all ways been wiz in tech would and all way wait others to catch up with them and for some time they perfect the existing technology and implemented as they're on and it's notice that if apple do some thing even if it's not super important others start diving to it and consider that as a vital in the field

Let's start with their new ( sorry Iam late but it's like a perfect time for discus it since there next launch might be hard to understand and accept ) iPhone 7 and 7 plus they kicked of head phone jack and all so make it water proof here its like a wait game for them we all know wire less audio is all ready a ancient one for that time but they waited and implemented it's to iPhone making it more close to a fully  wireless phone it's true that it's don't perform as good as any wired head phone bit it's still in the game and probably all the way top of it to . Okey we all know apple dice Steve Jobs and even  he left apple still hold his mark.
Ad just understand or know the fact that happens is like a power card in this world who even own one feel like invincible or something beyond that . That is because that they trust apple and they know that Apple is all ways in the head of the game and shut waiting for others to catch up with them . Since reach and super busy people don't wanna waste time on looking for a perfect phone the just trust apple and belive in apple a that they provide best out there and be the best until they publish the next prince to the market . It's clear that the princes is not gonna be cheap it's gonna be expensive and awesome .
Okey so what did I we started why they kicked out there ports
        It's actually simple enough they look to the feature and probably realise that fact that in time the ports are not gonna be cool cool or not gonna be much help full since the wireless is gonna rule the next generation


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