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Showing posts from March, 2017

Super Secret Razer Laptop

Project Valerie W hen i heard the name Valerie i had to look at the internet for its meaning and it means strong also found some other meaning like . Valerie is a VERY sexy women who is also very intelligent. She has beautiful eyes and is sometimes considered to be a savage, but those people know as well as everyone else, that she is trully one of a kind  And that make perfect seance why Razer pick the name  What is project valerie? the world’s first automated triple display laptop. Constructed to be incredibly powerful yet mobile, this revolutionary laptop gives you easy access to three eye-popping 4K displays. Regardless of where you are, you can have the visual superiority of a 12K desktop setup to excel at both work and play. This is from  razer website by the way  You can also find some other fantasy stuffs from the website like Featuring three stunning high resolution 17.3 inch 4K screens, Project Valerie provides

All the way to deep net from surface web !!

SURFACE WEB DEEP WEB & DARK NET Do you ever wonder sitting in front of Google and thinking i almost know everything about anything of course if you know what you wanna know about wujajaja/jajaja(this is how people laugh in espanol) why did i laugh because i have to break it up to you  .                          The waste majority of thing in the internet is just a mask to hide the real thing out there . so what is this deep net by definition its quit simple "Those are the stuff of the internet you cant bring up with Google or bing and may be even duckduckgo" So "this are the places out there on internet you can't get in with out the actual URL(universe resource locator) and the permission to get in" Just think for a moment how many facebook pages ,how may company's with sensitive data  or some creepy privet youtube videos the other things that god know what to do with those and which is not accessible to and there for its almost imp


AMD VS INTEL "Wait did you just said Ryzen !! What is it ? I seen my techie nerd friends spitting that word all over the place these days" . "wait a minute you guys won't be here if you're not that techie". Either ways I got your back .Take the Blue pill if you don't wanna see all bunch of rabbits in side the rabbit hole and just wanna see the cute little fluffy rabbit out side or take the Red pill then I will take you to the rabbit hole and show you how deep it can go and of course we will meat some awesome cool rabbit's rather than the cute fluffy over priced one that's on the out side. We know it was available since 2-22-2017 what else we know ? lets start up with the line up all the general concept we seen back in CES  is still true DUAL CHANNEL DDR4 OVERCLOCKABLE ACROSS THE BOARD (IF YOUR MOTHERBOARD CHIP THAT SUPPORTS IT) 24 PCIE LANES  There is 3 line up       top of the line is RYZEN 7 1800X Wh

Data Type vs Return Type

Legend Of The Returned One Aha that is a question right ? Aren't they are the same thing ? At some point I honestly thought the same but actually it's not data type is not return type and return type is not data type . E ven if you are using Java php c++ or any other languages During a program we have to initialize or declare some variable for that we need to specify what data are we gonna use on that particular variable location . Then what is return type ? We seen that when we a create  or providing the definition to a function we have to specify a return type to indicate what data type is return from the function to the main function to be more specific it's know as return data type. For example void cat ( ) " the function cat is not returning any data " or int cat( ) " means cat is returning some value to the main function" Ever seen any variable as a data type of return? I haven't and please let me know


THE LAST STAND S ince the early days of video gaming we where looking seriously more and more why to take our games with us  from the 3DS to nvidia shield that can high quality games wireless  from the pc it's self . And the day pass it's become super easy to clamp high end equipment to such a small package  just think how much your smart phone can be make use of different filed it's can act as a health care , camera , music player , and even as personal assistant if you are not interested in creepy , stupid low speed  and less a sure humans assistance . From the above idea it's not a big surprise that the next big thing in console gaming is Nintendo Switch 'a leaving room console that can be converted into a fully portable play boy to the hand '....what you just said leaving room console a bit ago? Yes I did ..cut come on guys its 2017 anything can fit in any where this days .. Okey lets get to 'switch', before that we a

What have you done Apple ? ( endless type )

Before you read I should probably mention that this one is just a fun factor nothing that I planed to post here . The things is I wanna talk about here is why apple kicked out their ports out of the products and ended up with typing triangle. I will post about my original post soon but I believe this worth sharing nothing down there was planed I just typed and typed on you might feel it a bit funny but it is perfectly fine   I already told you this is just for a fun fact so enjoy.....and one more thing let me know if this ever happens to you  wish you all a happy minutes  :) Are you a fan of apple ? Why ? are you even paying attention to the world of teach let me know in the comments if you are . Truly I Was so so sad when they kick out head phone jack out of there new I phone 7 and 7 plus truly I was even though I don't own a I phone . And it don't stop there it continues to their new mac book pro 3 usb c type but nothing else . But still  we have  keep in note

Best 2 In 1 So Far ( MIIX 320 )

                              Lenovo Miix 320 2017 Did you ever dream of having a laptop which is not from any creepy ebay  ?  .And what if the laptop can be convert into a tablet by plucking the keyboard from it (to mention keyboard come with it for free don't have to buy it extra .) .                                              well then lenovo got you covered meet lenovo's new    Miix 320  showed up in this MWC 2017                                                                  Can it be your dream system for JUST  $200  or is it gonna be the next show-of. We are going to take a peek at this and let me know what you think on the comments  Okey now lets see what we get for  $200 Intel Atom X5 processor Intel HD graphics Up to 4GB of memory DDR3 Up to 128GB eMMC storage 10.1-inch, 1,920x1,200-pixel touchscreen 802.11ac Wi-Fi with optional LTE Two USB 2.0 ports on the keyboard dock USB Type-C port as well an HDMI port ON THE Tab it self 2-meg