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Showing posts from January, 2018

Build Your On Virtual Assistant with AIML And Python

i know its been a while last i post something here.... i have your back , i got something way more interesting read the title :D The things we are gonna need for this ride linux based system AIML PYTHON XML in short AIML is a form of XML that defines rules for matching patterns and determining responses. so every response should be written here.... dont worry i found a bunch of them on internet and i will provide And since we are gonna work with python we need aiml in python so enter this on terminal pip install aiml lets go to the code then   starting with XML <aiml version = "1.0.1" encoding = "UTF-8" >        <category>                <pattern> LOAD AIML B </pattern>         <template>             <learn> *.aiml </learn>         </template>             </category> </aiml>     save its as k.xml note:- see i put <learn> *.aiml </le